Friday, July 17, 2009

The Cost of Freedom

I find myself thinking about the politics of the world a tad more frequent then the average Joe. I would say I'm a little compulsive about it actually. I'm wondering why I don't run into more people like myself, when I bring up any kind of politics I usually run into two types of people. People who just really don't care about it, and people who just want to argue about it. I find this kind of disturbing, feels like to me that the people no longer care what happens. The general feeling is that it is better off their then here. (referring to wars). What they fail to realize that there are consequences for our actions. Just because were invading a country that is thousands of miles away doesn't make us safe. It prolongs the inevitable, which is most likely the destruction of most of the world due too treaties with foreign powers. (But that is a whole different story).

My friend told me that we could win with information, that this is a war of information. I agree with him, but my questions for him is how much information does someone need to realize that their is f**K** up S*** going on in the world, and the people of the United States pretend like they don't know whats going on. A common answer I get when talking with someone about current issue's is that their isn't anything they can do about it. So, I guess they just don't concern themselves with it. Which I feel is exactly what the people in power want us to say, their the only one's who I can see that this method of living would benefit. Scary thing about all of this, is that by us choosing to ignore our duties as a citizen of the United States will lead to our very own extermination.

I feel my duty as a common citizen of the United States is to be apart of the decisions made that directly effect you and I, and not to turn our backs on the very base's on which this country was formed. Freedom. Not just for Americans but for all humans, who have the same right to be free. We have lost our thrive to live and be free. Were under the misconception that our government has our best interests in mind, and because of this we are selling out our own rights's and placing invisible walls up all around ourselves to find that we are at mercy of the one's desperate for power and control. For the people who are under the false impression that the government has their best interest's in mind, then how do you explain our current situation that were in with Afghanistan and the many other conflicts the U.S. has been involved in, all in the name of freedom.

In our conquest for freedom has left us with blood of many innocent lives on our hands. Which will not be forgotten by the natural balance in life that karma employ's. We may not have pulled the trigger, but we stood by and pretended like it wasn't happening. Doing nothing is just as bad as masterminding the entire thing. This reminds me of a video called "A Nation of Suckers".

"We must guard every ones liberty or we can lose our own, if we allow any minority to lose it's freedom by persecution or by prejudice we are threatening our own freedom".

A example of this quote happening in our very own country would be what is happening to the Mexicans. I understand why there is conflict with border control, I've thought about the pros's and cons. The bottom line, is if we sell out the liberty for Mexicans in this country we are also selling out our own liberty. They make up a large amount of population in the United States, to ignore them and to keep them separated from society only hinders ourselves.

One word that I have come to dislike is "terrorist". We call the people in the Taliban, and Al Qaeda terrorists. I'm positive that in there eye's were the terrorist, I bet each side has very valid arguments on why the other is the terrorist. In reality, everything that has happened it the past has happened, horrible things have been done to both sides. Those people are just as human as you and I, they have the same hopes and fears. They love their children with the same passion that we love ours. The real enemy is not you and I, or them over there. It's the secret governments with secret agenda's. The have perfected the art of manipulations and they are working overtime. I don't want to get into conspiracy, but any free thinking person can see if they gather the courage to overcome there own personal fears and open there eyes.

I'm only speaking from my personal perspective on the things going on in the world. I love people and hate to see horrible things happen to them. I have had the luxury to live somewhere that hasn't had war at their front door since the beginning of time.

To be continued..

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